(after her shower)
it was in december 2003 when i received a pressie from mercedes, a book called Too busy not to pray by Bill Hybels. on the inner cover she wrote she had bought this one having been unable to find The inner voice of love by Henri Nouwen.
a few years later i was able to find it in paddyfield . com, after abandoning it for sometime, i found it on my bookshelf this morning. i'd forgotten what i read from this book but i underlined some bits. it felt like someone reading through my story and teaching me ways out of it... here i share some little bits with you. it's from the first page of the book:
There is a deep hole in your being, like an abyss. You will never succeed in filling that hole, because your needs are inexhaustible. You have to work around it so that gradually the abyss closes.
Since the hole is so enormous and your anguish is so deep, you will always be tempted to flee from it. There are two extremes to avoid: being completely absorbed in your pain and being distracted by so many things that you stay far away from the wound you want to heal.
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