Friday, January 19, 2007
About Me
- Name: betty chan
- Location: Taikoo, Hong Kong
i used to be a ballerina when i was 7. wearing those pink satin dancing shoes every week. i loved those long ribbons. one day i had to make a decision, and i decided i was not going to dance again. i decided i wasn't going to be a ballerina, but someone else... would you wanna know what I have become??
Previous Posts
- 月光曲據說 用月光取暖的女子從不受傷有處曠野容許她重新長出枝葉學會了煞有介事地遺忘 學會了轉身再轉身...
- 極短篇微涼的清晨 在極淺的夢境中我總是會重複夢見你漸行漸遠冷漠和憂傷的面容而夢裡星空皎潔 一如那夜那...
- 我摺疊著我的愛我的愛也摺疊著我我的摺疊著的愛像草原上的長河那樣宛轉曲折遂將我層層的摺疊起來我隱藏著...
- remember this little gnome i bought for you as a g...
- i'm just one of the flowers
- many, many years ago (more than 10?) someone wrote...
- Leaving on a jet planeAll my bags are packed,I'm r...
- 不要因為也許會改變, 就不肯說那句美麗的誓言,不要因為也許會分離, 就不敢求一次傾心的相遇,總有一...
- Open your eyes just say goodbye我這個夜晚應該哭個痛快相遇不算太晚相愛...
- i've just started a new blog... perhaps the new de...
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